Cote d’Azur Bound

I have back to back travels coming up starting with a trip to the Cote d’Azur followed by an assignment for a tourism bureau back in the U.S. (more on that later). There is a reason I like to head to head to Southern France and surrounds this time of…


NYIP Travel Photography Course

Some time ago I was asked by the New York Institute of Photography (NYIP) to contribute my expertise to a new travel photography course. I was delighted to take part and the course launched late last year. I wrote chapters on several aspects of travel photography including seeing the world…


World’s End

World’s End looks like the end of the world but not in the apocalyptic sense. A remote valley located between Llangollen and Wrexham in North Wales it is one of my favorite spots on earth – no people or buildings, stunning vistas and the cleanest air I’ve ever inhaled. A…

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